Wed 8 Oct 2008
Now Is The Time When Fortunes Are Made
Posted by Robin Bal under Investing , MoneyMatters , Stock Markets[2] Comments
The undeniable truth is that making a lot of money doesn’t require a high IQ, either in the market or in business. It takes ruthless disciplined routine, and a focus on doing what is right for the long-term.
You can just feel it, can’t you? People are terrified about how the market has acted over the past month, to be more precise since the last one week. Watch the news — watch if you dare. The “boo-yahs” seem more restrained.
This is the time to buy andd hold on to solid blue-chips. Buy shares of good businesses that generate real profits, attractive returns on equity, have low to moderate debt to equity ratios, improving gross profit margins, a shareholder-friendly management, and at least some franchise value. Everyone is thinking this is a terrible time to be invested. But when everyone is thinking the same thing, no one is thinking much at all. That means ….OPPORTUNITY.
If you have been wanting to change your financial future for the better, then now is the perfect time. The invetory of cash producing, equity filled homes is at an all time high! Did you know that most retirees single most lucrative investment during their working years was the home that they lived in. Imagine if they had bought just one or two more properties (that supported themselves of course) and then retired.
Those are the moments when fortunes are made. You might not recognize it at the time. You might not know it for years. But it’s true. When everyone is down on a stock, or a sector, or a country, you might as well take a look. Usually, the negativity comes with good reason. But the over-negativity can provide plenty of opportunity. It’s been that way forever, and it will always be so.
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