Mon 16 Jul 2007
Try this Challenge, if you are Spending too much..
Posted by Robin Bal under Financial Planning , MoneyMatters , Personal Finance , Savings , Spare Change1 Comment
Do you ever wonder where your spending money goes or how you can spend so much on practically nothing in so little time? In the old days people brought their paychecks to the bank, deposited most of the money and pocketed the rest in cash. The cash was supposed to last until the next check. If it didn’t, it was an obvious cue that too much money was being spent.
Fast-forward to these days when paychecks are deposited electronically and we stuff our pockets with debit and credit cards. Beaten-up dollar bills and heavy coins never dirty our hands. It’s so much nicer than the old days. Unfortunately, it makes it too easy to bust the budget.
Without that dwindling pile of cash it’s harder to recognize how much is being spent. Sure, you can log on and look at your bank account every day, but most people probably don’t. When they finally see their balance they think, “no way!” More than likely it’s not the mortgage that’s killing them; it’s the daily money drain. If that scenario fits your life, the seven-day money challenge may help you get on track.
Use this challenge to give yourself a wake-up call to those who don’t realize how much they’re spending. I ask some of my clients to guess to the best of their ability how much cash they’ll need for a week’s worth of spending. It’s just the day-to-day stuff like gas, groceries, going out for meals. The usual outcome is they’re out of money by Wednesday.”
Learn your weaknesses. “I was trying to go from Monday to Monday, I carried a little notebook and would write it down if I stopped for coffee or went to the drugstore. Wednesday night I went to buy gas and I didn’t have enough cash. I had to resort to my credit card to get me through the rest of the week. I was shocked and a little disappointed.” Thats what some of them say.
The Money Diet: READ (more…)