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In today’s terms the main cause of the increase in inflation is the rising prices; the prices go on increasing day by day and are generally cause by the storage of the of the essential commodities by the so called black marketers and wholesalers who go hand in glove with the politicians.

The second cause that increases inflation is unemployment,  today the youth of the country after so much of turmoil and hard work stand no where. If unemployment cannot be controlled at this stage then what will happen to the whole country, the youth of today is the future of tomorrow.

Thirdly the main cause which can increase inflation is corruption, it is well said that “Justice delayed is justice denied”, corruption is eating up the the economy as said corruption begets corruption and should be stopped at all levels.

When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favours — when you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you, then you may know that your society is doomed..”

Ayn Rand

News Zealand, Denmark, Singapore and Sweden are among the least corrupt nations and among the most corrupt are Somalia, Afghanistan and Sudan.

If all these factors are taken into consideration the economy and rising inflation of any  country can be controlled. When price rise is controlled then the inflation gets controlled automatically.

Still other experts believe that it is normal for the economy to be effected by inflation. This theory is shown by the Phillips curve which allows inflation to cycle up and down according to the shift between unemployment and inflation. Another theory of inflation uses the gross domestic product to measure the effects of inflation on the economy. This theory uses what is called potential output. This means that the state of the economy is measured against what is determined to be the best level of production for the nation. If the gross domestic product is higher than it should be and if unemployment is lower than it should be the result is that the rate of inflation will increase because suppliers will raise their prices and built in inflation will get worse.

About the author :- Dr Bhandari a Doctor by profession is an active thinker, having thought provoking views on today’s global society and culture in general and about Indian issues in particular, some of his views often contradict established views of modern society which he thinks is more busy in finding new problems then trying to solve existing problems.

Money is a token that functions as a medium of exchange that is commonly accepted as payment for services or commodities, including repayment of debts. Another property of money, that distinguishes it from other medium of exchange, is that it has the mark of an authority (or the mark of anyone who is generally accepted) that coins it.

Money comprises of both currency, specially the numerous distributed currencies having legal tender status, as well as other kinds of financial deposit accounts, like savings accounts, certificates of deposit and demand deposits. In contemporary economies, currency is the most basic part of the money supply.

Money is not the same as value, the latter being the basic element in economics. Money is central to the study of economics and forms its most cogent link to finance. The absence of money causes a market economy to be inefficient because it requires a coincidence of wants between traders, and an agreement that these needs are of equal value, before a barter exchange can occur. The use of money is thought to encourage trade and the division of labour.
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George Washington Taxpayer owns 10 acres of land, four miles from the South Carolina coast, just a driver or two from the renowned Kiawah Golf Resort. Recent assessments (even in this dismal housing market) are solid seven figures, and the 25% or so of value mortgage has been overpaid every month for around ten years.

George and Martha have a totally clean credit rating, more than enough visible reported income, plenty of liquid, unencumbered assets, and a second building on their property that is used as an office for their very own, very private, very small business corporation.

The business has been “in the family” for more than thirty years, directly and indirectly employs about twenty other individuals and small businesses, and produces substantial, taxable income. It also pays rent and salaries to the Taxpayers.

George called Notquitesoquick Mortgage, LLC to re-finance his still barely “jumbo” loan — thinking, with a solid credit score, pretty impressive total documented income from all sources, a history of over paying, what could possibly go wrong?

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Over the past 30 years Federal Tax receipts (Corporate, Personal, Estate, Excise, Gift, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, et al) have averaged less than 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Read that again, and don’t think for a minute that it’s not a large number.

But it’s not nearly large enough to pay the bills, reduce the national debt, grow the economy, and come to the aid of all of the people in the world who need us. Why, because nearly half of us (some legally, some not so) pay little or no federal income taxes at all— and because our elected representatives have no financial management skills.

The only taxes that always get paid are those that reduce the amount of spending money in our pockets and which raise the cost of the goods and services we purchase — thus retarding economic growth.

There is no doubt that a Federal Sales Tax on consumption by final consumers would produce more revenue than all of the other taxes combined — but how much, and is it OK to single out things like cigarettes and gas guzzlers for extra taxes?

We need to give it a try, and there would be added benefits: (a) we would be collecting taxes from all of those folk who earn incomes that are just not reported at all, (b) the products we try to sell in world markets would be more competitive, and (c) all of us would have more money to spend on stuff that could actually become lower in price.

There are no purely economic problems with making the shift to a consumption tax — just political ones. The legislation has been “on the hill”, and summarily ignored for decades. We need to apply cool economic sense to the elimination of the Internal Revenue Code and the Social Security Ponzi scheme.

First KISS: Create Jobs Right Now
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My survey produced an interesting anomaly— several respondents felt that excessive consumer spending was the primary cause of the economic problems we face today, and that spending is not to be encouraged.

But the root problem they were correctly speaking to is the source of the spending money, not the spending itself. Spending is essential for demand creation, and increasing demand is what produces jobs.

So why we ask, does government remove the dollars from the economy before they accomplish the demand stimulus “thingie” (highly technical economics jargon)? Nearly half the survey responses observed that consumption taxes (The Fair Tax) are far more productive/creative than income taxes.

The other half wants to replace the IRC (Internal Revenue Code) with a Flat Tax on all forms of income. Both suggestions are simple, and quantum leaps better than anything being seriously considered by congress— “seriously” being the operative word.

A combination of the two— priceless, but later!
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