Fri 10 Aug 2012

We all have that ‘wow’ moment when we realize that we have a lot stuff in our closets that we don’t wear and most likely won’t ever use again. There’s that dress that you simply wore to a friend’s party, several pant suits which don’t fit right any longer, numerous shoes, t-shirts, jackets and trousers. After you have done your spring cleaning you probably were left with a large pile of things that you don’t want to maintain cluttering up your life. The question now is how to proceed with it all.
ClothesForCash is a revolutionary way to dispose of your old clothes and profit at the same time. ClothesForCash are based in the UK and run a national service that will collect, recycle and pay you for your unwanted clothing items; giving you the perfect win-win situation.
With the rise in environmental awareness and the need for us all to do our part in saving the planet recycling has turned into a major factor in all of our lives. Ensuring that your unwanted clothes will be recycled is one step in a great battle to limit the quantity of waste we create.
Textile recycling is set being very big business approximately around 70% of the world’s population wear second-hand clothing and that 92% of the UK population have clothes within their wardrobes that they no more wear.
It is clear that we have a textile problem in the uk and Local Authorities are currently planning to run textile collections together with your standard recycle bin collection to be able to help stem the ever increasing amount of clothing which clutters our landfills. While this can be seen as a great step forward for that UK, in this difficult financial climate why don’t you use your unwanted clothing as a commodity to profit from?
By using the Clothes For Cash service you are able to ensure you profit straight from these items in addition to resting easy in the knowledge that your items will be re-used in an ethical manner and not damage our environment even more.
Anyone wanting to use ClothesForCash simply completes an online form to receive their free clothes collection pack, fill their sack with any unwanted garments and request a collection straight from their front door. The customer can then receive funds via Paypal or Cheque, it is even possible to donate earnings to a charity of their choice from a nominated list.
Mark Millard, Director at ClothesForCash explains that there has been an astounding level of growth in the market this year with online searches increasing by 27% in the last month alone. “With the option to donate to charity or receive direct payment for clothing, ClothesForCash is the ideal way for people to make money from unwanted clothing items as well as help those less fortunate than ourselves. Moreover, our clothes recycling service very effectively reduces the impact of clothes disposal on the environment, by effectively eliminating the need for landfill”.