Here is the plain truth for everyone, yet people will continue to do the same shit over and over again, voting for the same moron, having the same stupid arguments over two sides of the same corrupt coin, begging for the same entitlements.The West, esp the US, thinks they can have their cake and eat it too. They deserve the shitstorm that will be coming, they have been warned way too long and have ignored it like the arrogant idiots they are.
August 2011
Sun 14 Aug 2011
Tue 9 Aug 2011
It’s not difficult to figure out how the job market works. The most secure, best-paying positions are the one’s with the least amount of applicants because either too few people are qualified, or nobody wants to take them. As anyone with an established career knows, there are times when you have to weigh salary versus general happiness, as the two don’t always coexist. To some, making $90,000 in exchange for putting in long, arduous hours in a terrible work environment is worth it; others are content with $45,000 and a mostly stress-free 40-hour work week. The following jobs have more characteristics pertaining to the former than the latter, which is why they probably aren’t worth the (relatively) high pay. Note: Salaries from are for workers with 10 to 19 years of experience in the profession. Salaries from are averages from all workers, regardless of experience.
1. Gastroenterologist, $122,339-$397,317
Being a Gastroenterologist comes without the usual glamour that’s associated with being a doctor, as, well, the job requires examination of the digestive system, specifically the intestines, stomach, esophagus, gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Dealing with the problems associated with those areas can be messy and quite unpleasant for the patient, with whom the gastroenterologist becomes intimately acquainted.
2. Surgeon, $96,204-$364,895
Routinely ranked as one of the most stressful jobs in existence, surgeons are afforded minimal margin for error during their unpredictable, tedious hours of work. In addition to the possibility of witnessing death and even facing lawsuits, they have to deal with hostile patients and family members, and sometimes embittered hospital staff workers who offer little help. Because they spend roughly 80 hours per week in the hospital, their social lives and family lives leave a lot to be desired, negating a lot of the benefits that come with the high pay.
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Sat 6 Aug 2011
None of us really want to consider our very own passing, and that is most likely why those who ought to make a will usually do not get around to it. Wills online supplies a straightforward solution to going through what’s going to happen with your things when you die.
You can’t say everyone is convinced that online wills happen to be an effective way of to make your own last choices crystal clear to the individuals you leave after you die because not all wills are identical.
It is easy to ease the process of making a will while there are actually different types of wills from which to choose. Wills online recognise that not sll circumstances are the same and which means you will find four different kinds of wills that you could look at. Among the issues with a lot of wills that are written on the internet is they are definitely not authored by professionals. When using wills online you will find that no matter what will you choose it is compiled by a legal expert in that particular niche.
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Fri 5 Aug 2011
Gripped by fear of a new recession, the stock market suffered its worst day Thursday since the financial crisis in the fall of 2008, the markets are definitely gripped by gear of a new recession The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 500 points, its ninth-steepest decline.
The sell-off wiped out the Dow’sThe remaining gains for 2011 were wiped out. It put the Dow and broader stock indexes into what investors call a correction — down 10 percent from their highs in the spring.
“We are continuing to be bombarded by worries about the global economy,” said Bill Stone, the chief investment strategist for PNC Financial.
The day was reminiscent of the wild swings across the financial markets that defined the financial crisis in September and October three years ago. Gold prices briefly hit a record high. Oil fell even more than stocks — 6 percent, or $5.30 a barrel. And frightened investors were so desperate to get into some government bonds that they were willing accept almost no return on their money.
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Fri 5 Aug 2011
Fundamental Analysis – Blinded By The Financial Facts
Posted by Robin Bal under InvestingAdd Comment
Back in the day when relatively few non-professionals even thought about investing in corporate stocks and bonds, a focus on company financial statements was the gospel of conservative (meaning safer) investment theology.
Investment gurus studied Profit and Loss Statements, Balance Sheets, and endless footnotes to determine which businesses were most likely to continue to grow, prosper, increase their dividends, etc. Then, they assessed the quality of “management” before forming conclusions about the economic viability of the enterprise.
The quality of the numbers being analyzed was audited by well respected financial analysts while scores of research MBAs from throughout academia studied business and economic trends within company relevant markets. Sectors of businesses were also put under a fundamental microscope to further fine tune future stock market trends and performance expectations.
“Top-down” or “bottom(s)-up”, fundamentally sound companies were identified, classified, categorized, and fantasized over in much the same way as was being done by the very technicians that the fundamentalists laugh about at cocktail parties.
Certainly, it was presumed, the most financially sound companies would be the most resilient in the face of whatever surprises the economy, global politics, and the weather had to offer. Companies that had “grown up” profitably would have what it takes to continue in the right direction.
Clearly, both schools of financial thought have generated libraries full of useful (and questionable) information that marauding bands of Wall Street product advertising agencies can use against one another in their glossies.
Neither approach should be totally ignored; neither approach should be totally accepted; and neither approach has what it takes to do what its advocates want you to believe it can do — predict what’s going to happen next.
More recently, the analytical elite have reinvented themselves with fundamental analytics sub-divided by capitalization levels, sectors, countries, hemispheres, and more. The supply of data is endless — so much so we are expected to believe, that only very special Wall Street affiliated super computers can make enough sense of it all to really “know” which stocks are worthy of investment.
Frankly, I think they have all traveled way off course in their pursuit of some fundamental nirvana, pretty much to the same extent as their friends in the technical arena. No matter how long the train of growing profits, or how strong the balance sheet, every business has to adjust its model to outside influences to survive long term — and so does every investment plan.
There are a few fundamental fundamentals that demand as much serious attention as the fundamental technicals mentioned above, starting with long term profitability and current financial ratios. (If you haven’t looked at both, you are a speculator, not an investor — no buts, end of discussion.)
Dividend payout history provides information (indirectly) about the quality of a company’s management, products, business model, financial acumen, profitability, and respect for its shareholders. Don’t believe the growth company baloney; if they are not paying you a dividend, they are absolutely overpaying your senior employees.
If you are thinking: “what about start-ups, IPOs, emerging markets, commodities, etc.”, don’t. Those are speculations, not investments. This is not a judgment that all speculations are bad — it’s simply a warning that you must sift through the euphemistic descriptions and figure out what kind of bets you are being asked to place.
Profitability, current assets vs. current liabilities, market share, product mix, and regulatory environment are other key fundamentals that are fairly easy to get your head around — and pay particular attention to the latter.
Very few politicians act as if they know anything about business, capitalism, markets, etc. Very few theoreticians (particularly research economists) seem to know anything about actually running anything for real: business, government, investment portfolio, whatever.
And this brings us to MPT — the fancy new scourge of the financial markets.
Thu 4 Aug 2011
Mortgage refinancing can offer long term advantages to the borrower. However, in case you are expecting immediate short term gains, it is not an option to consider; you will definitely be disappointed. Refinancing your mortgage is the fact of getting money from new mortgage loan to pay off the old mortgage loan. It works out to be beneficial in certain circumstances and otherwise in some other circumstances. So, you need to assess whether the entire process is going to benefit you or not before launching into the process.

Mortgage refinancing is considered an ideal option if it is going to give you a comparatively lower interest rate. And it also provides you a chance to switch over from variable or adjustable mortgage rate to a fixed mortgage rate. And the advantages are plenty if you are going to continue staying in the home on which you take the mortgage loan. You will have cash in your pocket and also be able to lower monthly payments.
Refinancing is an important financial decision that can lead to major problems; unless you have good reasons to do so, it is not recommended that you refinance your home. Substantial reasons need to be cited for you to consider remortgage advice. So, when is the right time to go in for mortgage refinancing? The ideal time is when there is a dip in the home loan interest rates you may opt for refinancing your mortgage loan
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